The Philosophy Behind Concepts of Life

The reasons why becoming a master of connection can be life changing

Concepts of Life is a reflection of the way I think about the world, diverse and intertwined. Connection has become the lens which I see life through. It would be naive to believe that the decisions we make live in total isolation. And the same applies to the ideas we come across and the people we meet.

With every new encounter, I’ve asked myself, “So what?” “In the context of life, why does this matter? And what parts of this can contribute to my own life?” I’ve found that when you ask yourself enough questions, you begin finding unexpected answers. You start to realize the creative process in engineering, the science behind the art, and the philosophy around great leadership. The ability to frame a problem in the various dimensions of life is like being able to manipulate space and time itself.

And I want to bestow this life-changing power upon you, one concept at a time. I’ll be crafting articles that introduce new ideas from the world around us. With your contribution, we’ll become masters of connection.

So if you are ready to embark on this journey through the crossroads of life, I promise you will discover a realm of infinite possibility.

I’ll meet you in the middle 🤙🏻

Kalen, Creator of Concepts of Life

About Concepts of Life

Concepts of Life is a space dedicated to applying specialized knowledge more broadly in our lives. Our goal is to connect people from different disciplines, sparking conversations you might not otherwise experience daily. As part of our community, we would love to learn about an unexpected connection you have discovered in the past. Feel free to share your story with others in the comments below.


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